name as "Rihan"

Home Forums Question and Answer name as "Rihan"

This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  RIHAN 7 years ago.

  • Author
  • #120769 Reply


    assalamualikum. i want to know about the name of “Rihan”.Is it a muslim name? What,s the origin and meaning of the name of “Rihan”. pleas answer me.

  • #121107 Reply

    Md Khalid Umar

    Dear Brother,
    Please send me the meaning of “Rihan”

  • #125401 Reply


    dear ,

    assalamualikum. i want to know about the name of “Rihan”.Is it a muslim name? What,s the origin and meaning of the name of “Rihan”. pleas answer me.

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