My daughters name

Home Forums Question and Answer My daughters name

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Hanaya 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #108042 Reply


    We kept our daughters name Hanaya Nafisa Ahmed. Me and my husband came up with the name Hanaya we searched it and found the meaning was heart and compassionate. I just wanted to know if the name was ok if it dose not have a mean as well. Please let me know. Thank you.

  • #108284 Reply

    Hanaya, pronounced [(HU)mble] + [(NA)p] + [(YA)rn] with emphasis on the second syllable, is an Arabic name for girls. It is a plural of Hanee’ah and means “happy”, “fulfilled”. It is a good name for girls and is an indirect Quranic name since its root (H-N-HAMZ) is used in the Quran.

  • #120880 Reply


    Hanaya also means Flower Shop or Florist in Japanese 🙂 Nice name though!

  • #121003 Reply


    AssAlan o allikum

    My name is Hameed uddin me and my wife deside to pick my daughter name is hanaya plz conform is a correct name or no. Thanks

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