Meanings of name, is this Islamic name or not ?

Home Forums Question and Answer Meanings of name, is this Islamic name or not ?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Mysha 5 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #125106 Reply


    Asalam u alikum,
    I like to know the meaning of “MYSHA”.My daughter is 18th months old but when I choose this name I read its not from Qur’an but I did “Istekhara”,n it says yes means the name is good for my daughter but since I choose I have no issue with this name everyone like it but I’m confused in meaning. Plz help me in this.

  • #127735 Reply


    Meaning of Mysha Hoda/ Is this a Islamic name does it exist in quran, Will this be a good meaning name, Please suggest.

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