Meaning of Name Ummu Sulaim Sahla-ar-Rumaisa

Home Forums Question and Answer Meaning of Name Ummu Sulaim Sahla-ar-Rumaisa

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Rumaisa 3 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #124890 Reply


    I have named my daughter Ummu Sulaim Sahla-ar-Rumaisa,The name of which I know as sahabia but i have not sured. I have tried a lot but could not find the meaning. As I have found this name on internet so I am doubtful .Kindly tell me the meaning and whether its a sahabia name or not? and the name of my doughter is right or not?. please answer me.Thanks

  • #151944 Reply


    Plz share the sahabi name for my daughter

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