Meaning of name "Aleeha"

Home Forums Question and Answer Meaning of name "Aleeha"

This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Aleeha Behram Shah 1 year, 6 months ago.

  • Author
  • #127873 Reply


    Can you tell me the meaning of name Aleeha? I have came to know that it doesn’t have a good meaning in islam.I am tensed about it, I am an adult now it’s too late to change my name now.

  • #164470 Reply

    Aleeha Behram Shah

    I have the same query. I want to know if the name ‘Aleeha’ is Islamic or not. If yes, what is the exact meaning?

  • #164472 Reply

    Aleeha Behram Shah

    Bro don’t just post my query. I need answers

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