Meaning of Jarjees?

Home Forums Question and Answer Meaning of Jarjees?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Jarjis 2 years, 9 months ago.

  • Author
  • #124123 Reply


    Assalam o alaikum
    What is the meaning of the name Jarjees?

  • #124842 Reply


    Assalamu alaikum, please let me know the meaning of Jarjees/Jarjis.

  • #127840 Reply


    please let me know the meaning of Jarjees/Jarjis.

  • #131721 Reply


    Please my name is jarjees, can I please know the meaning and origin of my name, Salaam Alaikum. Thank you.

  • #131790 Reply

    jubair jarjis

    Please my name is jarjis, can I please know the meaning and origin of my name, ASalaam Alaikum. Thank you.

  • #156208 Reply


    Meaning of jarjis is Philosopher or wise man

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