Meaning name Amaya daughter

Home Forums Question and Answer Meaning name Amaya daughter

This topic contains 3 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Zihunee 4 months, 3 weeks ago.

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  • #133634 Reply

    Jamilah 90

    A salaam aleikum,

    I hope to find some answers or clarity regarding the name Amaya/Amayah.
    For the longest time I have wanted to name my future daughter Amaya incha Allah.
    I have found different meanings on the internet, no negative ones.

    Still I would like to know if there is any specific meaning of the name and if it is permissible to name her so?

    JazakAllah ghair

  • #158867 Reply


    Amaya means night rain in Arabic. I know many people with this name

  • #168509 Reply



  • #168510 Reply


    I would like to know the origin and the meaning of the name Hayat

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