Boy Name

Home Forums Question and Answer Boy Name

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Syed Hassan Abbas Zaidi 7 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #124230 Reply

    Raza Imam

    Assalam o alikum,
    My name is Raza Imam and my wife name is Samra, i want to decide my baby name who is coming in january inshallah. How i can relate my baby name with our name and which is most suitable for him. by the date of birth etc.

    Raza Imam

  • #124521 Reply

    Syed Hassan Abbas Zaidi

    Assalam Alaikum

    My Name is Hassan Abbas and my wife name is Farah Sibtain a baby born in my family and i want to choice and perfect name related with Imam Mehdi A.S kindly advise some unique names for my Baby date of birth is 20th dec 2016 same date of rabiulawwal
    i’ll be thankfull to you
    Hassan Abbas

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