Baby Girl Name

Home Forums Question and Answer Baby Girl Name

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  XRumerTest 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #106678 Reply


    Please advise, is Zaria mean “light & Beauty” or it is scattering Wind as per Quran..?? The meaning seems in different directions so I am bit confused as good name & meaning reflects the personality.
    You are always so kind in answer..

  • #106768 Reply

    Zariya, which can also be written as Zaria, is an Arabic name that means “wind that scatters”.

    Zaria can also refer to two Kurdish girl names, Zaria and Zaaria.

    Zaria may also have other meanings from other languages.

  • #123968 Reply


    Hello. And Bye.

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