Baby Boy Name

Home Forums Question and Answer Baby Boy Name

This topic contains 3 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  zFPWdwPk 8 months, 3 weeks ago.

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  • #125744 Reply



    I want to keep my Baby Boy name as “AYMAAN”. Can I keep Aymaan for my baby boy name as per Islam ? or I should keep Ayman.

    Date of Birth : 23-Sep-2017
    Please advise.


  • #125745 Reply



    Allahamdulilah I have be blessed with baby boy, now the concern is abt naming him, My name is Hanif and I wish to my baby boy name as “AYMAAN”. As per Islam can we give name “AYMAAN”. I heard name “Ayman”, so I am confused whether “AYMAAN” allowed ?

    I have also thought of name “RAYYAN”. please confirm and suggest.

  • #166169 Reply


    Praise be to Allah.

    Aymaan is a commonly misspelled version of Ayman.

    Aymaan is the plural of yameen, which may mean:

    1.Hand, as in the verse in which Allah says (interpretation of the meaning) “that your right hands (aymaanukum) possess” [al-Nisa ‘ 4:3 and elsewhere].

    2.Oath or vow, as in the verse in which Allah says: “And protect your oaths [aymaanakum] (i.e. do not swear much)” [al-Maa’idah 5:89]

    Based on that, it is not appropriate to call the child Aymaan, because it makes no sense to call the child by the word that is the plural for hands or oaths.

    You could call him Ayman or some other good name.

    And Allah knows best.

    JAK, Br Ayman

  • #166252 Reply



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