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#150493 Reply


Omg omg you guys reassurance is all I needed alhumdulliah 🧡
My best friend , my little girl Siyana also SiSi means protection but as it’s not as common and Islamic as Khadijah and Muhammad ( my nieces and nephews) the name isn’t acceptable.
I named my 2nd child, my 1st born Kayden which I read meant companion . I put Muhammad at the front as his first name out of respect but apparently that just is disrespectful and kayden ought to be changed. Alhumdulliah over time they embraced kayden and his name and SiSi’s too but I called my latest bubba Kairo and I suppose that was the last straw My MIL and FIL insisted to dear hubby I change it and as I like k names “ kasim” would be a good name. My son is Kasim now .
This is all very frustrating as they are my children and I’m raising them to be Muslims and yet everyone is interfering and invalidating my choices. I am always seen as too western and I’m always criticised for my clothes, the way I do the hijab. It’s assuring to read all these comments.

Jzk for listening to me 🙂 hope everyone is safe from horrible corona insHallah!