Reply To: Rumaisa

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#114599 Reply


Assalamu alaikum,
thanks a lot .i really Appreciate that you differentiate between two names.But still i have some Confusion and i hope you will clear it.
> You said that ” As for Rumaisaa رميصاء with a saad, it is also the name of a star.” but still “meaning of star” is coming under name Rumaisah رُمَيْسة with seen.
>Some narrations mention that Umm Sulaym’s, the mother of Anas bin Malik, name was رميثة and not رميصاء, but the more popular opinion is رميصاء but you are saying رميثة was different Sahabiyaat.
>As u said,Both رميصاء and رُمَيْسة derived from same root Rams رمس but why their meaning is different.
>According to my information, رُمَيْسة was not recommend as name as it meaning is not good., but you said we can use it as name.
ما معني اسم رُمَيْسة-هل يجوز التسمية به، علما أننا سمعنا أنه اسم صحابي؟
What does it mean Rumaisa Name-Is it permissible to label him, knowing we have heard that Sahabi name?
وقد بينا معنى الرميصاء لغة في الفتوى المشار إليها، وأما اسم رُمَيْسة-فالظاهر أنها مشتقة من الرمس وهو الدفن.
The name Rumaisa seems that it is derived from the verb Rams which means a( burial.)
” And therefore do not recommend that you label them”.so the mufti said.
The word rumaysa with a seen رُمَيْسة would have the meaning a corpse.

>As u mentioned,رُمَيْسة and رميثة have lot of meaning.i just want to ask all are true.
>رميثة رُمَيْسة رميصاء we can be considered it 3 separate names.

i hope you clarify my all questions.