Reply To: Rumaisa

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#114133 Reply

Thanks for the detailed reply. Our previous statement on Rumaisah meaning “friend” or “strong” is one year old and it is unclear where it came from. It may or may not be true, we cannot find a source for it.

The new, authentic meaning of this name (رُمَيْسَة), mentioned in the Sultan Qaboos Encyclopedia, is “wind that scatters dust and buries footprints and other effects.”

As for Rumaisaa with a saad, it is the name of a star.

As for deriving Rumaisah رُمَيْسة from the root رمس (“to speak quietly”, “to cover”, “to keep something secret”), it would receive the meaning of “a single small instance of rams“, thus meaning “a single instance of speaking quietly”, “a covering up of something”, “a single instance of keeping something secret and not revealing it”.

As for Sahabiyyah names, we found two named Rumaithah (رُمَيْثَة): Rumaithah bint Amr bin Hashim and Rumaithah bint Hakeem. As for Rumaisah with a seen or saad, we couldn’t any Sahabiyaat named such.