Reply To: Rumaisa

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#114132 Reply


just want to share some information i got about name Rumaysa and need ur feedback
Source # 1
i got information that the word rumaysa رُمَيْسة with a seen would have the meaning is corpse.But the name rumaysaرميصاء with a saad is different. It comes from the word rams which refers to having some sort of stain in the eye. It also the name of a certain star in the sky.
Another variation of the name is رميثة with the letter tha. It has the meaning of putting things in order and organizing things. It is also said to be the name of a Sahabiyya. Some narrations mention that Umm Sulaym’s, the mother of Anas bin Malik, name was رميثة and not رميصاء, but the more popular opinion is رميصاء.
Source # 2
رُمَيْسة, it is the feminine diminutive form derived from the root رمس, which means to efface, cover, or speak so quietly.