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A Non-Quranic Name for Girls

How to pronounce Fatima

FAr + TIp + MUst

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Original Spellingفَاطِمَة
How to write Fatima in the original language, such as Arabic or Persian

This is NOT a Quranic name, but Muslims can use it since it has a good or neutral meaning.

Meaning of Fatima

Fatima is the name of Prophet Muhammad’s daughter, peace and blessings of Allah upon him and his family and companions.  The meaning of Fatima is a child who has been weaned off breast milk. The linguists of the Arabic language aren’t certain why this word is used as a name. It is not mentioned in the Quran, whether directly or indirectly. But since it is the name of the Prophet’s daughter, Muslims consider it a high-status name.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Friday 3rd of June 2016 01:48:53 PM

    good name fatima name is my freind name

  2. on Thursday 13th of July 2017 09:56:04 AM

    The name Fatima commands respect

  3. on Wednesday 19th of July 2017 07:45:46 AM

    Fatima means captivating. Attractive. The one who attracts or hold attention. Shinning one. Beautiful name

  4. on Wednesday 2nd of August 2017 06:59:50 AM

    It is also a popular name for Catholics in Latin America (for much different reasons). They pronounce it “FAT-ima.” In the U.S., that version of the name is much more common. I grew up having to correct how people pronounced my name. But it is a lovely one.

  5. on Sunday 15th of April 2018 05:46:18 PM

    My middle name is Fatima, so I really like it. Also, my parents told me it meant good smell.

  6. on Wednesday 25th of April 2018 01:25:50 PM

    I don’t think it is one who is weaned, I think it’s one who weans, ie a wet nurse or community mother

  7. on Tuesday 4th of September 2018 06:26:09 PM

    My name is Fatima
    But everyone calls me fat mama
    I don’t like my name

  8. on Tuesday 18th of September 2018 08:00:05 PM

    My name Fatima
    My sister is called Zainab, khadeija, Aisha, Ruqaya and my brothers are called Mohammed, mustafa and yunus and yusuf

  9. on Monday 24th of September 2018 07:11:12 PM

    My name is Fatima and I love it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    My name is pronounced farteema and I love it so much ❤️
    My sister asiyah had modernised her name and no longer goes by aasiyah and is now asciha
    And my other sister is khadeija and Aisha who are twins

  10. on Saturday 29th of September 2018 07:49:56 AM

    Isnt my name directly mentioned as it is one of the prophets daughters
    Any ways I love my name so much
    I’m so happy my name is Fatima
    Some people call me FATima but it actually is faateema
    My sisters are Ayesha,Ruqaya and Khadeija
    Also my brothers are yunus,yahya,Yaqub and Yasin

  11. on Monday 1st of April 2019 09:27:49 AM

    Write your comment here…Uniquely FAATIMA and I’m Proud of my name.

  12. on Saturday 27th of April 2019 08:40:34 PM

    Fatima name is very good name.. In the whole world….

  13. on Tuesday 4th of May 2021 06:46:14 AM

    Great name, name of a personality most reputed in the world

    Prefer this name 1st

  14. on Thursday 3rd of March 2022 08:41:31 PM

    My girl friend is fatima and i love that name so much,hooo what a beautifull name{FATIMA}.

  15. on Friday 22nd of April 2022 10:58:31 PM

    I also love my name Fatima and also my father and my mother love it that is why they put the name for me and I am also proud with it in the hole world because I lake my name Fatima Zahra bintu muhammad

  16. on Monday 4th of July 2022 03:04:39 PM

    My name is Phatima and I love my name so much.

  17. on Tuesday 1st of November 2022 02:02:22 PM

    I’m very blessed that Allah gave me such a beautiful name!!! FATIMA!!❤❤❤❤I love it veryyyyyy muchhh Alhamdullilah!!!❤❤❤❤❤I LOVE IT A LOT BECAUSE IT IS THE NAME OF MY BELOVED PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH)’S BELOVED DAUGHTER!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤I’m very blessed to have this name!!!❤❤❤❤

  18. on Monday 5th of December 2022 10:39:04 AM

    My name is Fatima
    I really really love my name
    And am proud of my name ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  19. on Wednesday 24th of July 2024 03:40:20 PM

    my name is fatima
    i have respect with that name
    i have sister name khadijat, aisha
    and everyone love me in my family

  20. on Sunday 8th of December 2024 08:12:19 PM

    The name Fatimah does NOT mean the one who is weaned off milk! It means “the one who splits.” It is because Fatimah Al Zahra would split people from Hellfire or wean them from that punishment.

    So in context it means “a girl who seperates people from Hell.” It is also means “one who is split from evil.” The evidence for this is found in our hadiths.

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Categories: All Baby Names Starting With F | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | Muslim Girl Names not from the Quran | Non-Quranic Names
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