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Discussions | Page 21

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Published on June 24, 2014

What is the meaning and origin of the name Waqi?

replies: 2

What is the meaning of the Arabic name Waqqas? Is it an Islamic name?

replies: 3

What does Warina mean?

replies: 0

What is the meaning of the name Bakir?

replies: 2

What is the meaning of the name Bakht?

replies: 1

What is the meaning of Tahzib?

replies: 0

What is the meaning of Asriya? Can Muslims use this name?

replies: 0

What is the meaning and origin of the name Tawfiq?

replies: 1

What is the meaning of Raqim?

replies: 1

What is the meaning of the name Aswad? I heard it is the name of a companion of the Prophet saw

replies: 2

What is the meaning and origin of the name Rustam?

replies: 1
Published on June 23, 2014

What does the name Busharat mean?

replies: 1

what does the name Besharat mean?

replies: 1

I would like to know the meaning and origin of the name Sharfa please

replies: 0

What does the name Hadaq mean?

replies: 0

What is the meaning of Tamam?

replies: 1

What is the meaning of the name Rand?

replies: 1

What is the meaning of Fakhir or Faakhir?

replies: 1

What is the meaning of Saman?

replies: 1

What does Sammie mean and can Muslims use this name?

replies: 1
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