All information on our website is based on our own original research in Arabic, Persian and English-language scholarly references. We never copy information from other websites.



A Quranic Name for Boys and Girls

Short meaning of ArhamKind, Compassionate and Tenderhearted
See below for detailed meaning
How to pronounce Arham

Ultimate + Rain + HUMble

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Arabic Spelling (How to write Arham in Arabic)أَرْحَمْ
Quranic Nature
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Directly Mentioned
Alternate spellings of ArhamErheme Erhemm Erhemme Erhem Erhame Erhamm Erhamme Erham Arheme Arhemm Arhemme Arhem Arhame Arhamm Arhamme
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.
Quranic Root
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All Quranic baby names derived from R-H6-M:

Meaning of Arham

Arham is a direct Quranic name for boys and girls that means most merciful, most kind, most compassionate. It is mentioned in the Quran at least 5 times:

Said [Moses]: “O my Sustainer! Grant Thou forgiveness unto me and my brother, and admit us unto Thy grace: for Thou art the most merciful of the merciful!” (Quran 7:151)

[Jacob] replied: “Shall I trust you with him in the same way as I trusted you with his brother (Joseph] aforetime? [Nay,] but God’s guardianship is better [than yours], for He is the most merciful of the merciful!” (Quran 12:64)

[Joseph] said: “No reproach shall be uttered today against you. May God forgive you your sins: for He is the most merciful of the merciful! (Quran 12:92)

Also see this answer for more information on Arham: Is it suitable to use Arham name for Muslim baby?

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 6th of October 2015 04:42:45 PM

    Can we use Muhammad Arham Noman as a baby’s boy name?

  2. on Sunday 22nd of May 2016 11:58:56 AM


  3. on Thursday 28th of July 2016 02:52:35 PM

    Can we use Muhammad Arham Zeeshan as baby boy name?

  4. on Wednesday 10th of August 2016 12:46:57 AM

    can we use Arham Emaan Fatima as baby girl name is there is in any problem some people say it is not allowed for girl

  5. on Wednesday 10th of August 2016 06:57:19 AM

    Can we use arham adiyat as a baby boy name? It will be meaningful baby name?

  6. on Saturday 5th of November 2016 07:25:25 AM

    What does the name Arhamul Hoque mean? Can I use this name to name my infant son?

  7. on Sunday 27th of November 2016 08:49:44 PM

    Is this true Arham is only for Allah because nobody is more merciful than Allah

  8. on Saturday 3rd of December 2016 03:01:50 PM

    Is Abdul necessary to write before Arham when naming a boy.I have been told that is Allah name so should not be written as such

  9. on Thursday 5th of January 2017 05:47:51 PM

    Can we use Arham Mariyam Khan for baby girl name?

  10. on Wednesday 11th of January 2017 07:18:19 PM

    Can I name anaya arham to my baby girl .she is 8 months old n have named her anaya arham is dis correct n hve gud meaning

  11. on Tuesday 17th of January 2017 05:39:06 PM

    Can I use Arham ali baby boy s name plz tell me …I wnt put name for my new born baby boy

  12. on Saturday 25th of February 2017 03:18:41 PM

    Arham use for boy baby tel some thing right..

  13. on Tuesday 18th of April 2017 06:20:14 AM

    Please let me knw if arham has to be used with abdul?

  14. on Sunday 16th of July 2017 02:25:23 PM

    Can I set my baby boy name as Arham Rahman? Your site is one of the best Muslim babies name site. All of name I chosse it.

  15. on Wednesday 23rd of August 2017 01:31:46 PM

    Can i name my baby boy name Muhammad Arhaan is Arhaan name meaning is it islamic name .
    Please suggest us about this name r else suggest a new name

  16. on Tuesday 3rd of October 2017 07:31:12 PM

    Is Arhaam or Arham one of the Allah’s name of 99 names kindly answer my question to the earliest

  17. on Saturday 9th of December 2017 02:20:48 PM

    Can I name my baby boy Muhammad Abran ??? Is it ok in Islamic teaching

  18. on Tuesday 12th of December 2017 12:16:11 PM

    Can I name baby boy mohd arham Shafi suggest please kindly choosing the correct name earliest

  19. on Tuesday 12th of December 2017 12:39:22 PM

    Can I name baby boy mohd arham Shafi suggest please kindly choosing the correct name how can we call him please answer earliest

  20. on Sunday 17th of December 2017 04:32:12 AM

    Can we use Muhammad Arham Sarwar as a baby’s boy name?

  21. on Monday 18th of December 2017 02:09:48 PM

    can i use my baby boy name arham khurshid uggest please kindly choosing the correct name how can we call him please answer earliest

  22. on Monday 18th of December 2017 02:10:23 PM

    can i use my baby boy name arham khurshid suggest please kindly choosing the correct name how can we call him please answer earliest

  23. on Monday 18th of December 2017 02:12:06 PM

    can i use my baby girl name arham sana suggest please kindly choosing the correct name how can we call him please answer earliest

  24. on Thursday 11th of January 2018 12:28:18 PM

    My baby boy name is Arhum-ul Islam. Could you please advice the meaning actually. Thanks

  25. on Thursday 25th of January 2018 09:27:56 AM

    Muhammad Arham arslan date of brith 31 jan 2014
    Is this perfect for my kid….???
    Please tell me anyone..??

  26. on Friday 26th of January 2018 05:46:47 PM

    Can we use Muhammad Arham Abid as a baby’s boy name?

  27. on Friday 22nd of June 2018 08:58:18 AM

    Can we use arham Mariam khan for girl’s baby name?

  28. on Friday 6th of July 2018 06:05:30 PM

    Can we use Arham Abdul Hannan as a baby boy name?please let me know as early as it perfect for my baby?

  29. on Friday 17th of August 2018 03:52:06 PM

    Is it halal in islam make arham name of muslim boy? Mera matlb kia arham aek musliman ka name hai? Kia ye rakha bhi ja sakta hai aur Jam Arham Rakha ja sakta hai

  30. on Monday 8th of October 2018 04:34:51 PM

    MMy son name was arhum and I want to add joint name like muhammad what did it mean

  31. on Sunday 9th of December 2018 04:27:28 PM

    Can I use Arham Islam my baby boy name? Please help me. What is the meaning of Arham Islam?

  32. on Thursday 27th of December 2018 06:25:23 PM

    Can we use for my baby Girl name as ARHAM FATEMA?

  33. on Monday 13th of May 2019 07:06:54 PM

    Can we use Mohammed Arhaam Murshed for our baby boy?

  34. on Monday 17th of June 2019 07:06:50 PM

    Can I use MD.ARHAM KHAN is correct ? Pls suggest me

  35. on Tuesday 10th of September 2019 06:25:23 AM

    Is this true Arham is only for Allah because nobody is more merciful than Allah

  36. on Saturday 14th of September 2019 10:35:51 AM

    Can I keep my baby boy name as mohammed born on 8-sep-2019 at 11.45pm

  37. on Sunday 22nd of September 2019 02:46:19 PM

    Can I use MUHAMMAD ARHAM SHAIKH for my baby boy ?
    What is the meaning of MUHAMMAD ARHAM
    He was born on 13/8/2019 at 4:27am
    Please suggest me as early as possible.

  38. on Thursday 19th of December 2019 07:24:21 PM

    Can we sellect Muhammad arham hadir name for new born baby

  39. on Monday 23rd of December 2019 08:56:16 PM

    Aoa !Can I use Muhammad Arham usman for my baby boy ?

  40. on Tuesday 31st of December 2019 08:36:37 AM

    Can i use Arham Ahmad for my baby boy? Id this right?

  41. on Wednesday 12th of February 2020 07:51:03 AM

    Can i name my baby boy as Mohammed Arham Hussain.

  42. on Friday 15th of May 2020 06:42:25 AM

    can i name my baby boy as Arham Abdullah bin Masum

  43. on Wednesday 10th of February 2021 05:59:03 PM

    Hello everyone, need your expert opinion. I wish to select the following name for my son. Pl let me know is it ok or not.
    Arham Uddin Zaeem
    Meaning- the merciful leader of Din (Islam)

  44. on Saturday 17th of April 2021 06:41:34 AM

    I want to name my child as Mohammed Arham Ur Rahman please can anyone confirm

  45. on Sunday 2nd of May 2021 01:58:59 AM

    Can i keep my baby boy name as Mohammad arham sahil???

  46. on Tuesday 19th of October 2021 02:08:30 AM

    Can I keep my baby name Muhammad Arham Umair Hossain ?

  47. on Saturday 23rd of July 2022 04:42:07 PM

    Can I keep my baby name is . Mohammad Abu Arham please advise me .

  48. on Saturday 23rd of July 2022 04:44:07 PM

    Mohammad Abu Arham is this name I want keep my baby

  49. on Tuesday 9th of August 2022 01:08:45 PM

    what about the name Arham Adhiyan? is is ok? is it meaningful?

  50. on Sunday 18th of September 2022 11:04:16 PM

    Can I use Muhammad Arham for baby boy pls???
    I like response very urgent

  51. on Sunday 9th of October 2022 09:36:39 AM

    It’s funny how everyone is asking questions and no one is commenting on any of the concern matter.

  52. on Tuesday 28th of March 2023 07:32:11 AM

    Can we name our little baby Boy “Muhammad Arham Mustafa” or “Muhammad Arham Ali”? Or simply remove “Muhammad” from both name. Is it fine? Please tell.

  53. on Thursday 25th of May 2023 08:50:55 AM

    Can we name My baby Name Mohammad Arham Majid .Please suggest

  54. on Friday 19th of January 2024 06:23:59 PM

    I want to keep my daughter name ARHAM .. can u suggest this name for a girl. ?? Pls reply

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Categories: All Baby Names Starting With A | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | Islamic (Quranic) Boy Names Starting With A | Islamic (Quranic) Girl Names Starting With A | Islamic Names Meaning Kind, Compassionate and Tenderhearted | Muslim Boy Names - Boy Names from the Quran | Muslim Girl Names - Girl Names from the Quran | Names Directly Mentioned in the Quran | Quranic Names By Meaning | Quranic Names by Root | R-H6-M
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