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#156735 Reply


argh this is literally my thoughts tipped into a forum ! So my little man is called Daniyal and my younger little man is called Aydin. Both have acceptable meanings and are approved names by my local imam. Husbands always been ok with the kids names and called them Dani and Dino for nicknames but has never shared any negativity on the names and I wouldn’t expect any negative remarks from them as he chose Daniyal and I convinced him over Aydin ( he wanted Raiyan). He is the oldest child so now my children are 5,3 and his brothers and sisters have both just given birth to their children. My SIL named her daughter khadijah which is a beautiful name and BIL named his son Yusuf . The names are perfect ofc, but my MIL has been gifting them with like personalised Arabic things and gifts but excluding my children. And her defence is that they are not Islamic names therefor she can’t find any of their names. Fair enough but she keeps continuing saying this and has been badgering my husband on changing my kids names which I am not ok with. I’m due in December and I recently lost my father there for will name him after my dad and call him Muhammad but all I’m getting is hate that how “Aydin and Daniyal” sound ridiculous next to Muhammad. I did consider this and plan for him to have middle name “ Zidane” but again it’s not ok. I’m pulling my hair out right now totally at lost to what to do