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What are the names, titles and nicknames of Prophet Muhamamd SAW?


This is an official answer by Staff

Below is a list of the names and titles of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ that can be used as baby names. Click on each name to view its meaning and details.

  1. Muhammad
  2. Ahmad
  3. Mukhtar
  4. Habibur Rahman
  5. Mustafa
  6. Mujtaba
  7. Sadiq
  8. Masduq
  9. Ameen
  10. Muzammil
  11. Mudathir, also read as Mudassir
  12. Muzakir
  13. Munzir
  14. Shahid
  15. Mubashir
  16. Basheer
  17. Nazeer
  18. Siraj Munir (Illuminating Lamp, formed from Siraj and Munir)
  19. Nur
  20. Haq
  21. Hadi
  22. Kareem
  23. Rauf
  24. Raheem
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Reader Comments:

  1. on Wednesday 7th of October 2015 06:23:04 AM

    Is Atif Muizz is a good name for a baby boy? I understand that we must put Abdul before 99 of Allah names. and Muizz is one of the names.Tq

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Categories: Baby Name Question and Answer
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