Short meaning of Zeeshan | Noble, Admirable and Praiseworthy See below for detailed meaning |
Quranic Nature (Learn more...) | Indirectly Mentioned |
Alternate spellings of Zeeshan | Zechan Zechane Zechen Zechene Zeechan Zeechane Zeechen Zeechene Zeeichan Zeeichen Zeeishan Zeeishen Zeeshane Zeeshen All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling. |
Quranic Root (Learn more...) | SH-HAMZ-N All Quranic baby names derived from SH-HAMZ-N: |
A Quranic Name for Boys
Most Popular Muslim Names in 2025
Muslim Names With Meanings Similar to Zeeshan
Categories: All Baby Names Starting With Z | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | Islamic (Quranic) Boy Names Starting With Z | Islamic Names Meaning Noble, Admirable and Praiseworthy | Muslim Boy Names - Boy Names from the Quran | Quranic Names By Meaning | Quranic Names by Root | SH-HAMZ-N
The content on this site does not constitute any type of legal or religious advice. Always consult your local imam or other knowledgeable individuals before making a decision about choosing a baby name.
Reader Comments:
on Tuesday 3rd of October 2017 01:33:51 PM
zeeshan is such a nicr name i love it
its meaning is moon and i love moon also
love you so much zeeshan
on Sunday 10th of December 2017 03:03:25 PM
My sons name is Zeeshan, he’s only 9 months and I’m pregnant again, if I have another boy I want to call him Zayn
on Tuesday 16th of January 2018 02:00:09 PM
i know a zeeshane he like boys
and he is a khuta sunni and he does batcha bazi
and he wants marry his 1st cousin
on Tuesday 16th of January 2018 02:01:05 PM
i know a zeeshane he like boys
and he is a khuta sunni and he does batcha bazi
on Tuesday 16th of January 2018 02:02:14 PM
on Tuesday 16th of January 2018 02:03:29 PM
are you watching me maulwi
on Saturday 8th of September 2018 12:38:23 PM
I know a. Zishan and he is so sexy and hot. Xxxxxx
on Monday 24th of September 2018 07:16:01 PM
My boyfriend is called zishan and I love him

I am having his kids however I am Christian and his parents won’t let me and him share our love
So we had sex in secret
on Friday 28th of September 2018 06:30:05 AM
This is for suggestions of the names not your personal life
on Friday 1st of November 2019 04:43:53 PM
my name is Zeeshan and I love my parents thanks to allah for creating me and my parents
on Tuesday 30th of March 2021 10:39:07 AM
Zeeshan name people are likely too be know as mostly unlucky person,and always craeat problems for other’s.They doesn’t any any milestones in their life.
on Saturday 13th of November 2021 05:01:36 PM
My name is zeeshan and I love it and I feel special
on Saturday 13th of November 2021 05:03:00 PM
My name SUBHAN and I like someone called zeeshan because he has a hot cake
on Friday 27th of October 2023 12:25:32 AM
My childs name is Zeeshan., He is healthy, gentle,very lovable to his parents and does have a sleep routine. So far, Zeeshan makes my family complete. Me and my husband started to be motivataed to do our best when zeeshan came into our lives.