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what is the meaning of this boy or girl name


This is an official answer by Staff

Nehan (which can also be said as Nahan) is a Farsi word that means hidden, secret, in secret. covered. It is used for both boys and girls. It is not an Arabic or Quranic word, but since the meaning is not bad, Muslims can use it.

سخنی در نهان نباید گفت 
که به هر انجمن نشاید گفت .

A speech mustn't be said in secret
That one wouldn't say in every gathering

-Saadi Shirazi (Persian poet)

Nehan is pronounced as (N)ame + p(E)n + (HA)rd + (N)ame and also (N)ame + p(I)n + (HA)rd + (N)ame

Nahan is pronounced as (NU)mber + (HA)rd + (N)ame

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Wednesday 7th of October 2015 03:36:48 PM

    “Since the meaning is not bad, muslims can use it” muslims are ridiculous!

  2. on Saturday 2nd of July 2016 02:20:21 PM

    How the names nehan and nashwan written in Arabic?my sons have these name..but somebody gave another meaning which was
    Nehan means beautiful and nashwan means there any problem on having these names in Islam?plz give a sincere Reply

  3. on Wednesday 20th of September 2017 08:04:29 PM

    Yes Nihaan also means can be used for both boys and Girls

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