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what is the meaning and lucky number of Momina


This is an official answer by Staff

For the meaning of Momina please see this page: Mumina

As for "lucky number", it is hard to believe that a Muslim is asking about something like this. Belief in things like this constitutes kufr (disbelief in Allah), so I advise you not to seek such things. All power belongs to Allah, there is no power in numbers, so there is no such thing as a lucky number, unless you think there is another god besides Allah who gives people luck based on some silly numbers.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Saturday 4th of April 2015 08:16:58 AM

    Nice answer I like it there is no lucky number for muslims

  2. on Sunday 25th of October 2015 10:36:34 AM

    please help mei want to downloading this application plz send me procedure how can i download.

  3. on Monday 23rd of November 2015 07:40:53 AM

    True there is no power than Allah because he is the greatest

  4. on Tuesday 24th of November 2015 04:29:25 PM

    sorry to say but i though there would be a lucky number

  5. on Thursday 7th of January 2016 03:12:34 PM

    plzzz tell me what is my lucky numbers and my name meaning and and my father’s name meaning i can’t understand this application pleace pleace tell my how can i understand this application.

  6. on Tuesday 9th of February 2016 06:51:56 AM


  7. on Thursday 25th of February 2016 01:29:05 PM

    momina name iz only 1 nam …which has no lucky no

  8. on Saturday 27th of February 2016 12:48:39 PM

    Tell me about Mishal meaning

  9. on Saturday 26th of March 2016 05:30:53 PM

    Momina its girl is so nice I like it so much its my best friend

  10. on Tuesday 31st of May 2016 05:08:50 PM

    tell me about my name meaning atifa and its lucky number

  11. on Sunday 12th of June 2016 08:40:56 AM

    Being a muslim we should belive in Allah ,not in lucy numbers
    You are right

  12. on Sunday 12th of June 2016 08:43:35 AM

    Please tell me meaning of name “ Momina ” and alishba

  13. on Thursday 23rd of June 2016 04:21:43 PM

    you are absolutely right all momina’s are lucky because they are the one who are nearer to allah

  14. on Saturday 16th of July 2016 12:07:58 PM

    please tell me meaning of the name of ”MOMINA”

  15. on Sunday 14th of August 2016 09:27:07 AM


  16. on Sunday 14th of August 2016 09:34:18 AM


  17. on Thursday 29th of September 2016 07:24:09 PM

    Yeah nice answer.there is no need to believe in such things as a faithful muslim

  18. on Tuesday 29th of November 2016 02:01:03 PM

    Nice answer
    Because there is no lucky number for muslims

  19. on Tuesday 10th of January 2017 11:12:16 AM

    Exactly u are Wright being a Muslim we don’t believe in lucky numbers or anything else like that

  20. on Sunday 23rd of April 2017 09:16:16 AM

    u nailed it 🙂
    thank u so much for such guidence,as a Muslim we should noy beleive on such silly things

  21. on Saturday 9th of March 2019 07:43:15 PM

    What an unprofessional answer. Surely you must realize that not everyone who uses your site is Muslim. The asker never said they were Muslim. I don’t believe in lucky numbers either, but you could have just told them that as a Muslim you don’t deal with numerology, instead of telling them to abandon the idea, or calling it “silly”.

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