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What is adad


This is an official answer by Staff

Adad in Arabic means number, count, sum, as in the Quran:

It is He Who created the sun radiating and the moon shining and appointed positions for it, for you to know the number of the years, and the account; Allah has not created it except with the truth; He explains the verses in detail for the people of knowledge. (Quran 10:5)

It is not used as a name by Arabs. It is pronounced as (U)n(DE)rstan(D).

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Monday 15th of February 2016 03:22:13 PM

    Pls let me know the boy names as per the adad DOB is 21 april 2010

  2. on Monday 27th of June 2016 08:16:11 PM

    Plz i want to know how many adad cames in my name mohammed sajid that means( SAJID)

  3. on Saturday 13th of August 2016 06:05:48 AM

    Please let me know. My baby girl was Born on 12-08-2016 on 12:00 pm

  4. on Friday 7th of October 2016 09:51:04 PM

    Please let me know the boy names as per adad and good effective meaning …..DOB 1 JULY 2016
    TIME 1:32…..

  5. on Tuesday 27th of December 2016 08:50:01 AM

    Plz let me know baby girl name in adad date 20/12/2016 n time was 7.15pm

  6. on Thursday 12th of January 2017 11:09:29 AM

    plz tell me how many name of girls name..adad….dob.11/01/2017 Wednesday time 6:30

  7. on Friday 28th of April 2017 01:23:01 PM

    Please let me know baby boy name adad born on 6/04/2017 at 12:10 pm

  8. on Wednesday 17th of May 2017 09:54:51 AM

    Pls let me know the baby boy names as per the adad DOB is 01 May 2017, time 10:10am, birth place – berchha dist shajapur mp india

  9. on Saturday 15th of July 2017 03:37:38 PM

    Please let me know the boy names as per adad and good effective meaning …..DOB 10 JULY 2017
    TIME 11:00pm. Monday

  10. on Wednesday 14th of March 2018 08:29:08 AM

    Meri beti k date of birth 12 march 2018 mondaay time 10 30 p.m h. Plz iske adad k hisab se name bataye

  11. on Saturday 25th of May 2019 07:24:33 PM

    me know d boy name as per 27.02.2008

  12. on Monday 21st of June 2021 05:01:40 AM

    Meri beti ki birth date 18th June on Friday subh 8:00am par iski adad bataye

  13. on Tuesday 21st of March 2023 04:30:05 PM

    My daughter was born on 15th march 2023/ 23 Shaban, 1444 hijri, 5:25pm. Please tell here adaad and recommend some names. whatsapp +923453151634

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