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A Quranic Name for Girls

How to pronounce Umamah

Ummah + sMArt + MUnch

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Arabic Spelling (How to write Umamah in Arabic)أُمامة
Quranic Nature
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Indirectly Mentioned
Alternate spellings of UmamahUmaama Umama Oumama Owmame Owmama Owmaama Omame Omama Omaame Omaama Oumame Oumama Oumaama Umame Umama
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.
Quranic Root
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All Quranic baby names derived from A-M-M:

Meaning of Umamah

Umamah is an indirect Quranic name for girls. It is an ancient Arabic word and means “three hundred camels” (the same way that the Arabic girl name Hend means “a hundred camels”). It is derived from the A-M-M root which many Quranic words are derived from, such as Ummah (nation, creed) and Umm (mother).

Umamah is also a Sahabiyyah name.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Wednesday 11th of May 2016 01:01:54 PM

    gcc sc dhdd ddh dehd wqdshg q98euy 287 o3yf iowuyb uiwyd uewu 2e jeyu uf jqwh w2g jkqwjxs hdw dg wuy dwh hg hdw wu uew dsuew ewuwe uew iweiu uiwdwewewjewjh iuew jew wqh hew hdw jhj dshvhjhw hjw ewbbe hwdbdw ewhjhw cs dwhjew ewhjhwwqhjqw dwhjw2hjwq cqwhx hjhjqwhc qhhjwv xhewhjhjqjhvv wjgghgfvd ejehhdq klbjkw qjwqhdhdwjhw qwjkhwjkwdqjqw jhsj qwjsnnjwq kbqksjkwd bwqjdjbwq wqjsbjkwqjksjwb qwd qw

  2. on Tuesday 22nd of November 2016 12:59:50 PM

    That’z My Name Bt I’m Confused B4 Now It Z Clear To Me.

  3. on Thursday 3rd of May 2018 01:55:10 AM

    Write your comment here…I’m bearing umamah
    but I was about the meaning and very curious to know the real meaning

    I think I understand a little bit

  4. on Thursday 30th of August 2018 09:12:28 AM

    Write your comment ‘s my name
    so I was very curious about the meaning but I think I understand it now

  5. on Wednesday 3rd of April 2019 12:13:38 PM

    Write your comment here… also my name is umamah and I lov a lot lot lot bt the first time i can’t understand bt nw alhamdulillah

  6. on Friday 18th of September 2020 08:39:26 PM

    Some people say it means 300 camels and others say it means young mother…….. WHICH IS TRUE???

  7. on Monday 21st of August 2023 11:02:06 AM

    Now l have understood ē meaning ō my name just am not contented since it has dff. meanings

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Categories: A-M-M | All Baby Names Starting With U or O | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | Islamic (Quranic) Girl Names Starting With U or O | Muslim Girl Names - Girl Names from the Quran | Quranic Names by Root | Sahabiyyah Names (Female Companions of the Prophet)
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