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What is the meaning of Sumaya?


This is an official answer by Staff

Sumaya is another spelling of the Arabic girl girl name Sumayya, which means "unique", "special". They are the same name and have the same meaning and pronunciation. Both spellings are acceptable. For more details on this name and its pronunciation see: Sumayya

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Wednesday 17th of February 2016 03:23:43 PM

    my name is sumaya and I like the name. sumaya is the best name to choose

  2. on Monday 26th of December 2016 01:40:58 PM

    Sumaya is really special name and it means ‘Unique’ or ‘Special’ or ‘One Of A Kind’ ya know so….. name all ur girls Sumaya

  3. on Saturday 20th of May 2017 06:34:53 PM

    my name is sumaya islam ..i am very proud to own such a special name <3 i do beleive EVERYONE is one of a kind ..but sumaya also means unique which i definatly am.

  4. on Tuesday 29th of August 2017 08:44:17 PM

    My firstborn is named sumaya and she is indeed unique MashaAllah

  5. on Tuesday 21st of November 2017 03:36:54 AM

    My name is pronounced Summayah/Sumaya but People spell it as Samiah. I’m proud of my name. I’m a Muslim btw. And the other girls that are named summaya seeing their comment just makes me happy!

  6. on Tuesday 13th of November 2018 02:01:03 PM

    My name is sumaiya, nd it also means “pure” am so proud 2 hv this name.

  7. on Monday 18th of February 2019 10:30:03 PM

    My name is Sumaya.I’m happy to have this name because I
    am unique and I am a very very kind person and I’m very happy about that. MashaAllah.

  8. on Wednesday 4th of September 2019 10:15:45 AM

    I too I’m summayyah and I’m proud of it and reaallu I’m very unique and special as my name

  9. on Thursday 11th of February 2021 07:30:03 AM

    I used to hate my name(summaiyat) without even knowing the meaning, but now that i know i really really like it, it makes me feel special to know that am pure, exalted, and most of all the first woman to embrace islam beside the family of the prophet of course. Embrace your name, no name in islam has a bad meaning.

  10. on Sunday 3rd of March 2024 04:50:24 AM

    My name is Sumaya, I like it very much, but elsewhere they say the meaning is higher, is it true?

  11. on Sunday 3rd of March 2024 04:56:19 AM

    my name is sumaya, I like it very much, but elsewhere they say the meaning is higher, is it true?

  12. on Sunday 3rd of March 2024 05:00:40 AM

    ine sumaya negn smen betam iwedewalew gn andand bota trgumu kef yale new ylalu iwnetachewn new?

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