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assalamualykum. i want to put my daughter name as Sidrah Mehreen. One of our relative(Aaleem) told me since the meaning of Sidrah is "Tree", does'nt have good meaning, he said not sujjestable. Please advice me. Jazakallah.


This is an official answer by Staff

Sidrah doesn't refer to "tree", it refers to a type of tree, and this doesn't automatically make it a bad name. Zaynab, which is the name of the Prophet's wife (peace and blessings of Allah upon him), is also a type of tree. For this reason I do not see anything wrong with this name.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Friday 13th of July 2018 01:19:25 PM

    Sidrah is derived from Sidrat-ul-Muntaha, which is a heavenly place where the Throne (Kursi) of Allah is. It is the place where when the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) went on his Nightly Journey (Isra wal Miraj), Jibreel (AS) said to the Prophet (PBUH) before he could step in Sidrat-ul-Muntaha that I cannot enter this place because my wings will burn. No creation has dared stepped in, because it is an exclusive domain where the Throne (Kursi) of Allah is. So, the Prophet (PBUH) went in alone to meet Allah, and that was an honour bestowed exclusively on him (PBUH). However, the Prophet (PBUH) immediately bowed down in prostration, because he (PBUH) couldn’t look at the Noor of Allah out of respect and love for Him. Sidrah is a heavenly tree in that place after which the place has been named and the word “muntaha” is similar to the word “inteha” in meaning, which means the extent of something. It is the zenith or the peak point of Allah’s whole creation. He alone resides there and sits on His Sacred Throne as the One True King of the whole universe.

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