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A Non-Quranic Name for Boys

Alternate spellings of Shahbaz Chaabaaz Chaabaaze Chaabaazz Chaabaazze Chaabaz Chaabaze Chaabazz Chaabazze Chabaaz Chabaaze Chabaazz Chabaazze Chabaz Chabaze
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.

This is NOT a Quranic name, but Muslims can use it since it has a good or neutral meaning.

Meaning of Shahbaz

Shahbaz is a Farsi and Urdu name for boys that refers to a type of eagle, the Eastern Imperial Eagle. It is short for Shah baz, Shah means king and baz means eagle, so the literal meaning is “King of the Eagles” or “the King’s Eagle”. You can pronounce it either with an “h” as in Shahbaz or without it, like Shabaz. It is not a Quranic or Arabic word, but since the meaning is good Muslims can use it.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Monday 16th of April 2018 04:05:41 PM

    bakwaz tha

  2. on Monday 12th of August 2019 07:47:50 AM

    Iltija name is good .of course momdon name .urdu and farsi name ..this is good name totally .Iltija

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Categories: All Baby Names Starting With Sh | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | Muslim Boy Names not from the Quran | Non-Quranic Names | Urdu (Desi / Indo-Pakistani) Baby Names
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