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A Quranic Name for Boys

How to pronounce Safwan

SUmmer + Fun + WANder

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Arabic Spelling (How to write Safwan in Arabic)صفوان
Quranic Nature
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Directly Mentioned
Alternate spellings of SafwanSafwaan Safuan Sefwan Sefwaan Sephwan Sephwaan Sefwan Sefwaan Saphwan Saphwaan Safwan
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.
Quranic Root
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All Quranic baby names derived from SAAD-F-W:

Meaning of Safwan

Safwan is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “rock”. It is used in the Quran in verse 2:264. Safwan also means “bright and clear day” (full of sunshine and without clouds), it also means “pure”.

Such men are like a rock covered with earth: a shower falls upon it and leaves it hard and bare. (Quran 2:264)

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Wednesday 23rd of December 2015 11:14:12 PM

    Jazaakallahu kheral jazaa shukran i really wanted to know meaning of safwaan and I found from here

  2. on Saturday 16th of September 2017 05:28:35 AM

    Safwan also means “gentle” and “pure”. The rock, when it is cleansed may be purified and smoothed.

  3. on Saturday 20th of January 2018 06:02:43 AM

    I know a person named Safwaan. and he is not purrfrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrw

  4. on Saturday 7th of April 2018 12:38:50 AM

    my baby brothers name is safwan my name is hamim and my brothers name is mustaqeem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. on Friday 23rd of November 2018 08:36:34 PM

    My name is Nahian and my brother name is Safwan. We both have good names alhamdulillah and indeed our names somewhat reflect our characteristics. 🙂

  6. on Saturday 3rd of August 2019 12:06:31 PM

    I know a person named Safwan . he is really cute, pure and also having good personality .he is also a good friend of mine and I also love him.

  7. on Friday 23rd of August 2019 02:36:39 PM

    masha allah my name is safwan and i love my people love me.alhamdulillah.

  8. on Saturday 24th of August 2019 02:10:26 AM

    My name is Safwan! Many people have said my name means pure

  9. on Tuesday 22nd of October 2019 02:52:44 PM

    My name is Safwaan and I really like the meaning of it

  10. on Thursday 23rd of June 2022 08:38:30 AM

    Mashaallah my brother name is safwaan he is cute pure having good personality

  11. on Monday 13th of November 2023 07:32:21 PM

    My son is safwan n he s very cute with a good heart mashaAllah

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Categories: All Baby Names Starting With S | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | Islamic (Quranic) Boy Names Starting With S | Muslim Boy Names - Boy Names from the Quran | Names Directly Mentioned in the Quran | SAAD-F-W
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