All information on our website is based on our own original research in Arabic, Persian and English-language scholarly references. We never copy information from other websites.



A Non-Quranic Name for Girls

How to pronounce Pegah

Pay + rEd + Go + mAn + Hot

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Original Spellingپگاه
How to write Pegah in the original language, such as Arabic or Persian
Alternate spellings of PegahPegaah
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.

This is NOT a Quranic name, but Muslims can use it since it has a good or neutral meaning.

Meaning of Pegah

Pegah is a Persian name for girls that means “dawn”, “very early morning”.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Thursday 13th of October 2016 09:35:16 AM

    Pegah is not islamic. Its origin is pre islamic language. Delete it from This site.

  2. on Thursday 13th of October 2016 09:40:29 AM

    My name is pegah and is pre has nothing to do with quoran. Delete it here or i will sue your site for Intentional Misleading Information clause.

  3. on Monday 24th of April 2017 03:16:15 PM

    Bullshit! One of the advantages of this name is that ARAB doesn’t have “P” in their language and HARDLY can even pronounce “P”. IT IS NO WHERE NEAR ISLAMIC NAMES!!!!!

  4. on Friday 19th of January 2018 11:26:26 PM

    Pegah means early morning, dawn in Farsi. It is NO WAY ARABIC! Nor Muslim!

  5. on Saturday 20th of January 2018 05:46:57 AM

    Are you kidding??!! Pegah is not Islamic!! Pegah means first light of the sun in the morning. In Arabic language there is no “P” letter, then how can Pegah be an Islamic name? Go educate yourself!!

  6. on Monday 21st of May 2018 03:55:34 PM

    You don’t have to be so angry and aggressive, it’s just a name shiiiit

  7. on Monday 21st of May 2018 03:56:46 PM

    It clearly says it’s not an Islamic name, CAN YALL CHILL ITS JUST A NAME OMG

  8. on Thursday 7th of November 2019 04:48:22 PM

    Nonsense… My name is pegah and it’s not Islamic or Arabic. Persian is an Indo-European language. Remove this name from this site. It’s really rude to hijack others culture…
    My name has nothing to do with Quran or Islam what so ever

  9. on Thursday 7th of November 2019 05:01:16 PM

    For those asking Persians to calm down. Study the damn history. These people are still mad at Arabs and Muslims for slaughtering them 1400 years ago… How can they be chill about a Muslim site stealing their pre Islamic names and culture?

  10. on Tuesday 19th of May 2020 07:45:23 AM

    Pegah is not an is islamic name. The letter g that sounds like great does not exist in standard Arabic. ,the letter p does not exist in their alphabet, which is why many Arabs tend to confuse it with the letter “b” which exists in Arabic and is the closest letter to the p. Please remove this name. Thanks

  11. on Tuesday 19th of May 2020 07:47:19 AM

    Pegah is not an islamic name. The letter g that sounds like great does not exist in standard Arabic. ,the letter p does not exist in their alphabet, which is why many Arabs tend to confuse it with the letter “b” which exists in Arabic and is the closest letter to the p. Please remove this name. Thanks

  12. on Tuesday 19th of May 2020 07:50:38 AM

    Pegah is not an islamic letter g that sounds like great does not exist in standard Arabic. …
    The letter p does not exist in their alphabet as well. which is why many Arabs tend to confuse it with the letter “b” which exists in Arabic and is the closest letter to the p. Please remove the name. Thanks

  13. on Wednesday 22nd of December 2021 12:55:27 AM

    Pegah is not an Islamic name. Please remove it from this website.

  14. on Wednesday 22nd of February 2023 04:59:51 AM

    This is a Persian name!
    Fuck your Quran and fuck your Arabic fake website!!!!

  15. on Wednesday 21st of August 2024 04:58:06 AM

    what a gorgeous name…i love it! thanks for sharing its meaning with me.

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Categories: All Baby Names Starting With P | All Muslim Baby Names | Muslim Girl Names not from the Quran | Non-Quranic Names | Persian (Farsi) Baby Names | Urdu (Desi / Indo-Pakistani) Baby Names
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