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Nameera means?


This is an official answer by Staff

Nameera is the feminine version of the boy name Nameer, which means "pure water", "pure", "ample", a person who comes from a noble family. Nameera and Nameer are not Quranic names but since their meaning is good Muslims can use them.

Nameera is pronounced as [(NU)mber] + [(MEE)t] + [(RU)n], with emphasis on the second syllable. It is written as نميرة in Arabic and can also be written as Namira, Namirah, Nameerah, Nemire, Nemira, Nemeerah, Namyra, Namiyra in English.

There is also a boy name Numair, pronounced [(N)ew + p(U)t] + [(MAY) + p(R)ay], which has the same meaning as Nameera and Nameer.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Wednesday 7th of March 2018 12:05:11 PM

    Namira is the name of famous mosque situated in Arafat where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) delivered the last historic sermon (Khutba) of Hajj. Every year on 9th Zihija, Hajj Khutba is delivered from this mosque. Only two salat (Prayers) are offered in this mosque during a year. On Haj day ( the 9th Zilhija) Zuhar and Asar prayers are offered jointly by pilgrims.

  2. on Sunday 22nd of July 2018 11:43:05 PM

    Nameera is a Persian girl’s name means not to be dead.

  3. on Tuesday 24th of July 2018 05:24:55 PM

    The masjid name is Nimrah not Namira. The name should be with the famous personality in Islam.

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