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Assalm-o-alaikum! Please tell the meaning of girl name....." Yashfa" and "Kashaf" or "Kshaf"


This is an official answer by Staff

Yashfa could be two different words. One of them, Yashfaa, pronounced [(YU)mmy + (SH)op] + [(FA)r] with emphasis on the second syllable, means "he/she is/becomes healed". The other, Yashfa, pronounced as [(YU)mmy + (SH)op] + [(FU)n] with emphasis on the first syllable, means "he/she intercedes (on the day of Judgment) on behalf of someone". Both meanings are acceptable, you can use either one you like, and both are Quranic words, the first one indirect, the second one direct.

For Kashaf/Kshaf, please see: Kashaaf

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Saturday 7th of May 2016 02:50:58 AM

    What is the meaning of kashaf.
    plz give me full detail about this name.
    it is a fake or real name

  2. on Friday 8th of July 2016 04:35:18 AM

    plz ans my baby name kashaf or kshaf plz baby girl

  3. on Saturday 17th of June 2017 03:51:55 PM

    I have named my daughter as yashfa but a lot of people are talking to me that it is good name because it only belongs to Allah And Hazrat Muhammad.i mean the meaning is complicated as only Allah and His Prophet can intercede on day of judgement.please com you help me…

  4. on Wednesday 13th of June 2018 10:43:59 AM

    What is the meaning of the name ashfa.
    I never found the meaning for it in any of the websites but it is also a bit common so I would like to get the meaning of it

  5. on Saturday 12th of October 2019 03:11:13 PM

    Yashfa means shafa Wala
    Ye lafaz Ayaat ul kursi Mei istmal howa hy

  6. on Friday 17th of January 2025 01:17:35 PM

    Yashfa name meaning or rakhna chayee k nai kindly bata dain

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