Original Spelling | ميساء How to write Maisaa in the original language, such as Arabic or Persian |
Alternate spellings of Maisaa | All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling. |
This is NOT a Quranic name, but Muslims can use it since it has a good or neutral meaning.
Meaning of Maisaa
Maisaa is an Arabic name for girls that means “a young woman who walks in a graceful, attractive and proud way”. This is a common Arabic girl name. Even though it doesn’t have an Islamic meaning, its meaning is not so bad as to make it forbidden for Muslims. Therefore Muslims may use this name.
Reader Comments:
on Wednesday 7th of June 2017 06:56:42 AM
What does lamaisah means ?i want to name my daughter ..as far as i knw it means soft to touch n its an arabic name .
on Wednesday 8th of November 2017 10:42:30 AM
on Saturday 22nd of January 2022 09:46:42 PM
It also mean beauty effects on girls. Please include it in the meaning. Thank you.
on Monday 4th of September 2023 10:18:59 AM
Salam Waleykoum, I heard the name lamaisah somewhere, could you tell me if this name is allowed, what is its meaning? I named my daughter unaisah, name that I found on your site, because I find it reliable.
on Monday 12th of August 2024 02:08:15 PM
Auf dem Rückweg der Schlacht von Uhud, so erzählt man, habe der Prophet, sallahLàhu aleihi wa salam, eine kleine Katze adoptiert und, er habe sie Maisa ميساء (مِرْصَاد) genannt. Allàhu’alim. Natürlich können die verschiedenen Schreibweisen dieses Namens unterschiedliche Bedeutungen haben. Zumindest finde ich die von Ihnen oben angegebene Bedeutung sehr passend für eine Katze.
on Sunday 1st of December 2024 12:11:25 PM
on Sunday 1st of December 2024 12:13:46 PM