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Is Diana a Muslim name?

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 3rd of June 2014 11:31:19 AM

    Diyana is a Muslim name. It means religion. However it would be good if the brothers/ sisters from Quranic names could tell us if its a direct or indirect quranic name.

  2. on Wednesday 16th of December 2015 02:27:18 PM

    I’m Muslim man
    An I want to give my baby this name what you think about it

  3. on Tuesday 19th of January 2021 07:32:36 AM

    Diana is a Arabic name and means single religion Diyana same but in Latin the two names mean roman goddess

  4. on Tuesday 4th of May 2021 09:51:19 AM

    Assalam aleykoum, there are no grounded prove that Diana means single religion, however it is known that Diana was and is still the goddess of the war, he hunt in Roman and Hellenistic religion. In islam we are not allowed to give name issued from polytheism.

  5. on Sunday 11th of September 2022 04:52:07 AM

    اريد ان اسمي بنتي ديانا فماذا افعل فانا عندي فتاتان توام و اريد ان اسمي واحدة ديانا و الثانية كنانة لكن سمعت ان اسم ديانا محرم

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