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A Quranic Name for Boys

How to pronounce Imara

Islam + MAn + RUn

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Arabic Spelling (How to write Imara in Arabic)عِمارة
Quranic Nature
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Directly Mentioned
Alternate spellings of ImaraImarah Imaara Imaarah Emara Emarah Imare Imara Imaare Imaare
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.
Quranic Root
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All Quranic baby names derived from Ain-M-R:

Meaning of Imara

Imara is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “to visit”, “to tend”, “to construct”, “to maintain”, “to enliven”. It is used verse 9:19 of the Quran:

Do you regard giving water to pilgrims and tending the Sacred Mosque as being equal to the deeds of those who believe in God and the Last Day and who strive in God’s path? They are not equal in the sight of God. God does not guide such unjust people.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Sunday 25th of August 2024 02:32:32 PM

    Why is Imara a boy name? It sounds to me like a girls names. Can it be used as a girls name and is the meaning good (meaning doesn’t sound very exciting, just neutral, can the meaning be interpreted differently so that it makes sense when used as baby name?)

  2. on Sunday 25th of August 2024 09:29:54 PM

    Why is Imara a boy name? It sounds to me like a girls names. Can it be used as a girls name and is the meaning good (meaning doesn’t sound very exciting, just neutral, can the meaning be interpreted differently so that it makes sense when used as baby name?)

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Categories: Ain-M-R | All Baby Names Starting With I or E | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | Islamic (Quranic) Boy Names Starting With I or E | Muslim Boy Names - Boy Names from the Quran | Names Directly Mentioned in the Quran | Quranic Names by Root
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