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Aslam o Alaikum: I would like to know if "Aazeen" is an Arabic word and is it mentioned in Quran. Please suggest the meaning and pronunciation of this name. Also what do you think about the name "Aazeen Fatima"
This is an official answer by Staff
Aazeen is an ancient (pre-Islamic) Farsi name that means beauty, adornment, harmony and order.
Aazeen is not an Arabic word and it is not mentioned in the Quran. There is no Arabic word that sounds like this. Most sites incorrectly say it is Arabic but there is no basis for this, and the meaning they put is "beauty", which is the Farsi meaning.
Since the meaning of Aazeen is good Muslims can use it.
Aazeen is pronounced as (A)rdent + (Z)oom + sw(EE)t + (N)ew
Aazeen Fatima is a good and acceptable name.
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