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I want to know the meaning of the name “Aarij”


This is an official answer by Staff

Aarij seems to be another spelling of Areej, which is an Arabic name for boys that means "good scent", "breeze that brings a good scent". It is not from the Quran, but Muslims can use it since it has a good meaning. It is pronounced [(U)p] + [p(R)ay + sw(EE)t + (J)ump] and written as أريج in Arabic. It can also be written as Arij, Areeje, Arige.

Areej has a version for girls, Areejah, which has the same meaning, pronounced [(U)p] + [p(R)ay + sw(EE)t] + [(JU)mp] and written as أريجة in Arabic. Areejah can also be written as Arijah, Areeja in English.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Wednesday 6th of May 2015 09:42:16 PM

    Areej means the fragrance of flower and this name is only used for female in Islamic world

  2. on Tuesday 15th of September 2015 03:28:00 PM

    my name is Ahmed Aarij,I am a Muslim boy and my name means unlimited heights.ok,so stop discussing because that is the official meaning

  3. on Friday 26th of February 2016 06:48:14 AM

    Yes, My name is also Aarij. And it’s pronounced ‘AA’ RIJ.. not A ‘REEJ’. Urooj in urdu means height/peak.. Aarij is that person on that peak. Look up an urdu lughat and you shall find out more.

  4. on Friday 18th of March 2016 09:34:51 AM

    The answer above is not right, عارج means some one who reaches great heights in achievements, it’s derived from عروج and معارج from Quran’s surah maa’rij from Prophet Mohammad’s mairaaj.

  5. on Monday 1st of April 2019 05:00:05 PM

    My Name is Aarij Zafeer. Aarij means the person who walks or reaches to success.

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