Uddin as middle name

Home Forums Question and Answer Uddin as middle name

This topic contains 0 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  QuranicNames.com Staff 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #114165 Reply


    Can we have “Uddin” as middle name ? Since adding Uddin to the first name makes it very long to pronounce and often is mispelled.

    Like my name is Saifuddin, but often during interviews my interviewers are not able to pronounce my first name. So, can I keep it Saif Uddin followed by my last name.

    Your help and opinion is truly appreciated.


  • #115016 Reply

    Uddin means “of the faith” (i.e. “of Islam”), thus Saifuddin means “sword of the faith” (sword of Islam). Saifuddin is made up of two separate words and in Arabic they are actually written with a space between them (سيف الدين). There is no issue with writing it as Saif Uddin. Some people write it as three separate units: Saif Ud Din, this too is acceptable.

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