Muhammad and Abdul in name together

Home Forums Question and Answer Muhammad and Abdul in name together

This topic contains 6 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  muhammed rafih 8 years, 9 months ago.

  • Author
  • #120912 Reply

    mrs adnan

    i want to keep my son name with Muhammad and like Allah’s name Rafaey but as i heard that we cannot keep Allah name without using word abdul (Abdul Rafaey) with it. so plz clear my confusion what should i keep. Muhammad Rafaey or Muhammad Abdul Rafaey.

  • #120935 Reply


    i m in the same confusion. if you get the answer please inform me as well. i’ll do the same if i have some knowledge.

  • #120936 Reply


    Is it Rafaey or Rafi? I am really confuse with the correct spelling?

  • #120939 Reply


    Pls answer is it rafi,rafee or Rafaey???

  • #120944 Reply

    mrs adnan

    this is Rafaey, according to pronounciation

  • #120946 Reply


    i think it is Raafey! what u think?

  • #121148 Reply

    muhammed rafih

    it comes muhammed rafih

  • #121314 Reply


    can I name my son Noor Muhammad Abdul Qadeer

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