Hizya Girl Name

Home Forums Question and Answer Hizya Girl Name

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Hiba 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #125495 Reply


    Salam aleykoum,
    Is Hizya/Hiziya arabic name please ? It’used majoritarily by People of Maghreb. I found it in many islamic french sites and it means victory , success but I never seen this name on others islamic sites in the World like America for example , so can you confirm that’s really arabic name ?
    Thank’s a lot.

  • #125496 Reply


    Is Shaden arabic meaning or not ?
    A syrian doctor said to me that’s mean melody or poeme in arabic literary but others guys say little antilope (…)
    In Arab Saudi a resort was named Shaden .
    Thank’s you.


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