Harun Ali or Harun Umar

Home Forums Question and Answer Harun Ali or Harun Umar

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Shafiq 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #123475 Reply


    We wish to name our child by the 7th day which is tomorrow (sunday).
    Please advise on which name is more harmonious in terms of its affect on child’s character.

    Harun Ali then fathers name


    Harun Umar then fathers name.

    What is the likely personality affect with the different middle names. Which name is balanced? Any better middle names to go with Harun?

    Also please advise on whether the meaning of the name has a great affect on personality or the person that you name them after with the intention that they will emulate the prophet Harun (pbuh) or the sahaba(ra)
    Hope this makes sense

    Jzk khair for your time and help

  • #123476 Reply


    A later reply is still good in sha Allah. Name wont be registered just yet.

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