Correct meaning of names

Home Forums Question and Answer Correct meaning of names

This topic contains 10 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Rozie 3 years, 10 months ago.

  • Author
  • #119673 Reply


    I would like to know the correct meaning if name Aariz
    Can I name my son Aariz
    Is it a good name ?

    If it’s a daughter can I name her Mysha ?
    Mysha means happy for entire life
    Is it correct meaning?
    Can I name my daughter that

  • #119756 Reply

    Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

    Did you try searching for this names using the search box?

  • #120210 Reply

    Altaf Hussain


    I would like to know the correct meaning if name Irham Zaroon Altaf
    Can I name my son Irham Zaroon Altaf
    Is it a good name ?

  • #120427 Reply

    Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

    Irham is an Arabic word that means “be merciful”. It is not used by Arabs, but you can use it if you wish. However, when used by non-Arabs, it is most likely an altered pronunciation of Arham, which means “more merciful”, “most merciful”. We have no information on Zaroon. As for Altaf, please see: Altaf.

    Since we do not know the meaning of Zaroon, we cannot give you a ruling regarding the combined name.

  • #121057 Reply


    meaning of my name

  • #121632 Reply


    Would like to know the meaning of sumayya

  • #125840 Reply


    Asalam O Alaikum,
    Please help me find the correct meaning of Zaroon. I really want to name my son as Zaroon. At some websites meaning is visitor or guest. Please share the details of this name ?


  • #126038 Reply


    Aoa , I really want to know the meaning of name Zaroon/zarun? Please help me find the details of that name. On your website it shows the meaning of zahroon/zahrun. Is it different name than Zaroon/zarun?
    All your help is really appreciated.

  • #130751 Reply

    Chowdhury Farhaduzzaman

    I am considering two names for my infant son.
    1. Chowdhury Tahbib Abdullah Zaman
    2. Chowdhury Tahbib
    Which one would be a better name?

  • #130752 Reply

    Chowdhury Farhaduzzaman

    Assalamualaikum. I am considering two names for my infant son.
    1. Chowdhury Tahbib Abdullah Zaman
    2. Chowdhury Tahbibuzzaman
    Which one would be a better name?

  • #143447 Reply



    I would like to know the meaning of ‘Zharfan’ in Arabic.

    Thank you

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