Reply To: Haram name

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#158445 Reply


So I always felt different how I do things. Yes I’m a Muslim and brown woman but I want to be different and feel that heavily Influenced in the lifestyle I live and the people who I meet and I deffo wanted my child’s name to be part of that. I was an aunt before I was a mother and I got to see my sister who shared similar life’s style choices name her kids ( sisi, kayden kairo ) names I loved but as they grew I saw the disgust people had about their names. And whilst I’m not one to change the way I am to please people I just couldn’t do that to myself or my child in the future as it would be too much of a persistent thing for something I care about too much . Alhumdulliah when I was blessed with a beautiful little boy we spent a long time choosing the perfect name. My heart initially was stolen at names like my sister but I was reminded of how cruel people can be and my husband was dead against naming my son Kaleb. So I suggested Noah, but he wanted Nuh instead ( fair enough but not really my name to chose) then he suggested Aadam which I loved and we settled on that. Little man is now 8 months