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#119759 Reply

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

You can choose a Western name that has a good meaning, as in Islam it is not required to use Arabic or Quranic names. Acceptable Western names are Andrew (“Warrior”), Henry and Harry (“ruler of the house”), Zach/Zachariah (a prophet mentioned in the Quran and the Bible, in Arabic known as Zakariyya) Ben/Benjamin (brother of prophet Jospeh/Yusuf), John/Johann/Ian/Hans (a prophet, known as Yahya in Arabic), and Aaron (known as Harun in Arabic).

Muslims in Persia often use Persian names, Turkish Muslims use Turkish names, Kurdish Muslims use Kurdish names; there is nothing wrong with European Muslims using European names.

As for Arabic names sounding Western, there is Ryan, which some Muslims use as an alternate spelling of Rayyan. There is also Aiden/Ayden, which you can find on our site. Another name is Esa, which in Arabic refers to Jesus peace be upon him, while in English it refers to Isaiah, another prophet. Unfortunately that is all I can think of.