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A Non-Quranic Name for Boys

How to pronounce Farshad

FUn + pRay + SHArp + Day

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Original Spellingفرشاد
How to write Farshad in the original language, such as Arabic or Persian
Alternate spellings of Farshad
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.

This is NOT a Quranic name, but Muslims can use it since it has a good or neutral meaning.

Meaning of Farshad

Farshad is a Persian name for boys that means “great happiness”, “joy”, “glory”. It also refers to the planet Mars, especially in literary contexts. Farshad is formed from the words Far (“extremely”, which likely comes from the same root as the English word “far”) and shad (“happy”, “happiness”).

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Sunday 26th of August 2018 05:30:06 PM

    Farshad is not an Islamic name, it just used in Iran and have the Persian origin.

  2. on Thursday 16th of July 2020 01:23:18 PM

    The pronunciation is incorrect, it’s not FUn(R) but rather FAn(R).

  3. on Thursday 16th of July 2020 02:42:54 PM

    Farshad is not related to Islam and thus is not an Islamic name. It is of old-Persian origin and is not linked to a specific religion.

  4. on Saturday 28th of January 2023 05:58:02 PM

    Farshad is not linked to Islam. It’s a Persian name, nothing else. Fix this.

  5. on Saturday 28th of January 2023 05:58:59 PM

    Why have you linked Farshad to Islam??? It’s Iranian (Persian)! Nothing to do with Muslim, Arabic or the Quran!

  6. on Saturday 28th of January 2023 06:00:24 PM

    Islamic??? It’s Persian (Iranian). NOT ISLAMIC. NOT MUSLIM. NOT ARABIC. Please remove this name from your site since it isn’t related to your religion.

  7. on Thursday 10th of August 2023 11:21:55 AM

    My dad put this specific name on me since he hates Islam and wanted to portray that in his son’s name. I am proud that my name is entirely Persian and has absolutely no relation to Islam. I remember how those muslim teachers in state controled school system of Iran used to make fun of our Persian names because that’s what was dictated to them by the government, to insult Persians and their Persian names. And now I have to deal with all these Indian and Pakistani websites putting my name among muslim names. You can’t add to the population of muslims by doing this. 10 percent of the population in Iran are muslim and that’s it. You have to accept this fact.

  8. on Friday 10th of November 2023 01:00:15 AM

    My name is Farshad and fuck all this racist Persian comments here who hate Arab, and are very self absorbed about being Persian! All of you eat shit and shut up!

  9. on Friday 22nd of November 2024 04:51:39 PM

    To the ignorant rude Ahole (Comment # 8) go educate yourself. You then realize why Iranians / Persians don’t want to be associated with Arabs and go change your name. I think I have a good idea why you are attracted to Arabs and felt obligated to post the crap above if you catch my drift !!! You are one of billions of reasons Iranians / Persians don’t want to be associated with Arabs or Muslim religion. To the Web Admin, delete this moron’s comments, before we have more rude comments posted here if you have any respect for your beliefs and website.

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Categories: All Baby Names Starting With F | All Muslim Baby Names | Muslim Boy Names not from the Quran | Non-Quranic Names | Persian (Farsi) Baby Names | Urdu (Desi / Indo-Pakistani) Baby Names
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