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eshaal means paradise flowers is it a good quranic name names start with h


This is an official answer by Staff

For Eshaal (which is also spelled Eshal) see this page: How are these names Aroush.. Inara .. Innaya , Eshal and Zimal

Below is a list of Quranic name starting with H:

Haajir  and Haajira (extraordinary)
Haashimiya (any woman belonging to Prophet Muhammad's clan, Banu Haashim, or a woman whose behavior is like the women of Prophet Muhammad's clan, peace and blessings of Allah upon him.)
Hania (a woman whose mind is at peace)
Hiba and Hibaat (gifts from Allah)
Hujood (voluntary late night prayer)
Hadeeya and Hadayaa (gift, present)
Hima (greatness)
Hamdaa (praiseworthy, feminine version of Ahmad)
Haamida and Hameeda (one who praises Allah often)
Hubab (love)
Hurriya (freedom)
Hasaana, Hasnaa, Hasana (pretty, good)
Huzooz (luck)
Haafiza (protector)
Hikaya, Hikayaat (story)
Hikma (wisdom)
Hakeema (wise)
Holm (dream)
Hulwa (sweetness)
Hulool (to reside somewhere)
Haloom (forbearing, wise)
Hamama and Hamaayim (pigeons, doves)
Hanaan and Haneen (compassion, love)
Haneefa (devoted to Allah)
Hawraa (with dark black eyes around which the white of the eye is pure white)
Hayaa (modesty, bashfulness)
Hayaat (life)
Hilya (adornment)

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 10th of January 2017 11:42:29 AM

    what is the source of name ESHAL. Can any body send me the origin of the name ESHAL. I am searching a lot but didnot get it.

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