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Assalamu alaikum, I have almost decided on the name Yumna for a baby girl but have a couple of questions regarding this name - is the word Yumna written as يمنى or يمنة? From Lane's lexicon, I gathered that Yumnah (with the 'ta marbootah' is the feminine of Yumn, meaning prosperity, good fortune, good luck, auspiciousness etc. How is this different from the meaning of يمنى , if there is indeed a difference between the 2 words? I noticed your site has listed the meaning of يمنى - understanding the difference between this word and يمنة would in sha Allah enable me to make a more informed decision and also spell the name correctly in English. Jazakumullaahu khair.


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Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

Yumna and Yumnah are two different names with similar meanings. We only had Yumna (يمنى) on our site, as you mentioned, we have now added the entry for Yumnah (يمنة). The two names have different pronunciations, please look at their respective entries to see which one you prefer more: Yumna | Yumnah

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