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Can you tell me the meaning of Mirha?


This is an official answer by Staff

Mirha, spelled مرهاء in Arabic and pronounced (MI)ddle +p(R)ay + (HA)rd, is an Arabic word that means nimble, agile, fast. It is not a Quranic name but since the meaning is good you can use it as a name.  The word Mirha is a feminine word for this reason it is more appropriate to use it for girls.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Wednesday 7th of September 2016 02:02:44 AM

    Different sites show that meaning of Mirha is “Allah ka Noor” Can you please confirm it ? Are you sure that its meaning is “fast, nimble” ?

  2. on Monday 25th of September 2017 11:54:23 PM

    I checked on some other site it says mirha means “Allah ka noor” in arabic, is that true????

  3. on Sunday 18th of March 2018 06:09:52 PM

    please confirm i am doubtful that Mirha meaning is “Allah Ka Noor” or “fast, nimble

  4. on Sunday 18th of March 2018 06:20:21 PM

    let me know that Mirha name meaning “Allah Ka Noor” is correct or wrong

  5. on Sunday 22nd of April 2018 05:33:20 PM

    in Arabic, Mirah means “Fun” or “Have Fun”

  6. on Wednesday 7th of August 2019 09:47:29 PM

    please confirm i am doubtful that Mirha meaning is “Allah Ka Noor” or “fast, nimble

  7. on Thursday 14th of May 2020 11:00:11 AM

    Different sites show that meaning of Mirha is “Allah ka Noor” Can you please confirm it ? Are you sure that its meaning is “fast, nimble” ?

  8. on Thursday 20th of August 2020 07:23:45 PM

    Kindly confirm the meanings of Mirha. Different websites are showing اللہ کا نور

  9. on Sunday 11th of October 2020 07:25:35 AM

    I have come to know that MIRHA means…. pride, is that true?

  10. on Thursday 21st of January 2021 02:07:20 PM

    Mirha name meaning? Diffrent sites show the meaning of mirha Allah ka noor is it right

  11. on Friday 16th of April 2021 08:05:06 PM

    It’s mean fastest quickest , I search personally about this name. Allah Ka noor just they added.

  12. on Friday 7th of May 2021 11:22:01 AM

    I have asked from the Arabic scholars mirha is derived from an Arabic word marha which means pleasant

  13. on Wednesday 4th of August 2021 06:33:25 PM

    Mirha is “Allah ka Noor” Can you please confirm it ? Are you sure that its meaning is “fast, nimble” ?

  14. on Saturday 28th of August 2021 03:35:57 PM

    please give me with reference meaning of mirha i named my daughter mirha and people are saying its not right name change it

  15. on Sunday 10th of July 2022 05:36:07 AM

    I have already given my daughter name Mirha but I don’t know the meaning will please

  16. on Sunday 10th of July 2022 05:41:53 AM

    I have already given my daughter name Mirha but I don’t know the meaning well please I need help?

  17. on Saturday 15th of July 2023 10:39:53 AM

    I named my daughter Mirha but everyone saying that it’s not Arabic name there no name in Arabic dictionary… please upload the actual meaning of Mirha

  18. on Sunday 17th of December 2023 03:02:17 PM

    I have heard that the name mirha means saare hue angoron ka dhair. Is this right??

  19. on Sunday 24th of December 2023 12:47:26 AM


  20. on Sunday 24th of December 2023 12:47:41 AM

    Blyp5E1g’) OR 971=(SELECT 971 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))–

  21. on Tuesday 28th of May 2024 06:10:59 AM

    Mirha is not Arabic name in Arabic it’s mean arrogant,proudly like this it’s not suitay name I’m also changed my daughter name mirha

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