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A Quranic Name for Boys

How to pronounce Aariz

After + pRay + lIttle + Day

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Arabic Spelling (How to write Aariz in Arabic)عارض
Quranic Nature
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Directly Mentioned
Alternate spellings of AarizAriz Arez Aarez Arid Aarid Aaridh Aridh Aarize Aryze Areze Aareze Aeriyz Aerezz Aereze Aerezze
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.
Quranic Root
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All Quranic baby names derived from AIN-R-DHAD:

Meaning of Aariz

Aariz is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “rain-bearing cloud”. The word Aariz is used twice in the same verse in Quran 46:24.

So when they saw it as a cloud advancing towards their valleys, they said: “This is just a passing cloud that will bring us rain.” “No. It is what you were trying to hasten: The wind which carries the grievous punishment!”

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 13th of January 2015 04:46:31 PM

    Asalaam ale kum,
    Can you please guide me and provide me the correct meaning of Aariz.

  2. on Thursday 15th of January 2015 04:16:21 PM

    My child was born on 10th Jan 2015 18 Rabiul Awal i would like to know that name Aariz is suitable for him or not?

  3. on Sunday 8th of February 2015 06:55:39 PM

    Aariz name is suitable for baby kindly suggest me…

  4. on Friday 20th of March 2015 06:52:05 AM

    Bro / sis. How can we pronounced all Arabic only say duad …it’s a’3in raa duad ع ر ض. عرض mean earth (zameen) . Plz I am requesting to correct this information.Jazakh Allahu khairan.

  5. on Tuesday 24th of March 2015 07:46:35 AM

    Brothers I have given my New Born name: “AARIZ”
    Now I am searching and have searched before also. the meaning common on every other names website is “RESPECTABLE MAN or LEADER OF A NATION”
    I need to know the exact origin of this name or word. Can anyone help me with it? How can I verify the meaning from a reliable source? HELP please!

  6. on Friday 3rd of April 2015 05:42:46 PM

    Q:”I need to know the exact origin of this name or word. Can anyone help me with it? How can I verify the meaning from a reliable source? HELP please!” Tuesday 24th of March 2015 07:46:35 AM

    I had the same problem 1 1/2 years ago when my son Aariz was Born. Trusting all those websites I thought the meaning is “respectable man” or “leader”. But that is not correct. The correct meaning is given on this page above our comments: rain-bearing cloud (from the Holy Quran) or also “gift”.

  7. on Tuesday 18th of August 2015 04:05:59 PM

    is manan name right for a boy who is born on 06 august 2015

  8. on Sunday 15th of November 2015 06:25:30 AM

    My baby’s due date is 3 December , Aariz is good or suitable for him or another name ? Meaning of Aariz is good in positive way or not please tell me

  9. on Monday 23rd of November 2015 02:52:42 PM

    I dont undrstnd k exact meaning of aariz..plz clarify it??

  10. on Thursday 24th of March 2016 11:16:56 AM

    Aariz name is suitable for boy name kindly suggest me…

  11. on Monday 4th of April 2016 05:10:57 PM

    Assalam o Alaikum!! I named ma son Aariz five years back n now I feel sometimes he is being quiet distructive with sister n kids around. Should I change his name.

  12. on Friday 6th of May 2016 06:52:46 AM

    Aslamuoalikum ,Please comment me my son has birth on 1st of March 2016 .ihave chose 2 name rohaan and aariz guide me suitable name bet.2 name

  13. on Thursday 26th of May 2016 06:05:41 AM

    Aariz means rain bearing clouds is it correct or its repectable man or leader

  14. on Thursday 26th of May 2016 06:07:01 AM

    My son was born in 15th shabaan what name is suitable for him kindly suggest

  15. on Friday 27th of May 2016 02:41:36 PM

    aassalamualaikum,my son was born on 10th rajjab at 7:11am i would like to know if th name Aariz is suitable for him or not….waiting for your response….thankyou

  16. on Tuesday 14th of June 2016 12:44:46 PM

    Can you please guide me and provide me the correct meaning of Aariz.

  17. on Sunday 23rd of October 2016 05:23:32 PM

    my baby was born on 11 september 2016 9 zilhajj i would like to know that Aariz name is suitible for him r not r which name is suitible fo him plzz tell me urgent

  18. on Saturday 3rd of December 2016 02:50:48 PM

    Please suggest me my born boy name aariz please more meaning to name

  19. on Friday 3rd of February 2017 10:13:16 PM

    Assalam alaikum ..
    My child was born on jamadi ul sani.30 jan 2017 6:35 plzz tell me right name…

  20. on Thursday 9th of February 2017 09:16:57 AM

    I heard Aariz mean “the one who complains/ who begs” is it a good translate?

    Thx from France and sorry for my english

  21. on Wednesday 1st of March 2017 10:54:31 AM

    Maine apne bete ka name respectable man meaning dekh ke aariz rakh diya hai lekin yaha doosri meaning bataya ja raha hai kya ye meaning sahi hai

  22. on Sunday 28th of May 2017 10:58:57 PM

    Would like to request you to please confirm the exact meaning of Aariz.
    Thanks in advance

  23. on Wednesday 7th of June 2017 06:50:20 AM

    My child was born on 15th may 2017 i would like to know that name Aarib is suitable for him or not?

  24. on Sunday 11th of June 2017 10:51:17 PM

    I want to keep my baby name Aariz is it ok what is exact meaning of Aariz kindly advise me

  25. on Wednesday 21st of June 2017 04:49:35 AM

    My son ‘a date of birth is 23 October 2010 is aariz name suitable for him .If not kindly suggest a quranic suitable name for him.

  26. on Thursday 20th of July 2017 11:13:17 AM

    Assalam alekum
    Can u please guide me & provide me the correct meaning of ZERHAAN

  27. on Monday 7th of August 2017 01:39:47 PM

    Brothers I have given my New Born name: “AARIZ”
    Now I am searching and have searched before also. the meaning common on every other names website is “RESPECTABLE MAN or LEADER OF A NATION”
    I need to know the exact origin of this name or word. Can anyone help me with it? How can I verify the meaning from a reliable source? HELP please!

  28. on Thursday 14th of September 2017 08:40:09 PM

    Aariz name is suitable for baby boy kindly suggest ….

  29. on Sunday 17th of September 2017 04:11:39 PM

    Brothers I have given my New Born name: “AARIZ”
    Now I am searching and have searched before also. the meaning common on every other names website is “RESPECTABLE MAN or LEADER OF A NATION”
    I need to know the exact origin of this name or word. Can anyone help me with it? How can I verify the meaning from a reliable source? HELP please plzz

  30. on Thursday 12th of October 2017 05:33:09 PM

    Muhammad Aish Javaid
    Want to know the origin of this name “Aish” Please help me

  31. on Thursday 12th of October 2017 05:33:54 PM

    Want to know the origin of this name “Aish” Please help me

  32. on Wednesday 18th of October 2017 10:44:02 AM

    What is the exact meaning of AAriz and kidly suggest me my child is born on 9oct 2017 it suitable for him or not

  33. on Monday 30th of October 2017 09:06:23 PM

    Pls sujjest what is meaning of Aariz ????? Because i m confused the various meaning on this plssss sujjest me

  34. on Thursday 29th of March 2018 08:35:19 AM

    Muftii tahir from jandk says its real meaning in arobic is disesses

  35. on Saturday 26th of May 2018 01:53:00 PM

    I want to keep my baby name Aariz Ali is it ok what is exact meaning of Aariz Ali kindly advise me

  36. on Monday 11th of June 2018 12:35:00 AM

    Assalamualaikum Aariz nam ka mening ky hai.iskai sai allfaz ky hair

  37. on Friday 3rd of August 2018 08:59:19 AM

    Aariz Nam ka MATLAB Keya hai date of birth 7 October 2017 Papa ka Nam Mehmood ammi ka Nam Arshiya khan hai

  38. on Saturday 4th of August 2018 11:30:02 AM

    AOA. My boy was born on 6th july. please advice name?

  39. on Friday 7th of September 2018 05:08:43 PM

    I m expecting baby boy in October. Plz suggest a name for him.

  40. on Saturday 24th of November 2018 12:59:06 PM

    My baby born on 06 may 2018 11:57pm SYED AARIZ suitable name

  41. on Friday 21st of December 2018 05:43:44 PM

    A,Akum my boy born 19 Dec 2018 on Wednesday 11:30 pm pls tell me what d right first word of name

  42. on Friday 21st of December 2018 05:47:18 PM

    My baby boy born 19 Dec 11:40 pls tell d right name or tell d first word of d name

  43. on Friday 28th of December 2018 05:47:39 PM

    I decide the name Muhammad Aariz for my kid plz send the complete detail meanings of this name asap plz

  44. on Thursday 3rd of January 2019 12:11:51 PM

    I too suggest Aariz my baby boy name
    Plz give me complete meaning of this name Aariz

  45. on Tuesday 15th of January 2019 04:44:43 PM

    aafan ke mayne kya hota hay my child of bron 11/01/2019hay. plese

  46. on Wednesday 20th of February 2019 12:47:08 AM

    Kindly tell the right meAning of AARIZ… Rain bearing cloud or leader respectable???

  47. on Monday 25th of March 2019 11:50:13 AM

    our child is born 9th june 2014 we want to put his name fawwaz this name is good or not in fawaz also i have confussion i put his name fawaz or fawwaz plz suggest me.

  48. on Tuesday 11th of June 2019 06:33:52 PM

    1st jun 2015, 5 pm Monday Arfa ke din janm hua beta ,uska name aariz rakhe h kya ye name sahi h

  49. on Sunday 25th of August 2019 08:10:45 PM

    please send me the details for name Aariz. my son was born on 16 August 2019 .

  50. on Tuesday 27th of August 2019 01:22:22 AM

    My name is Ariz and I am 40 years of age and I was told by my Father it means God’s thunder. It is like a warning unto a nation before the rain falls.

  51. on Wednesday 2nd of October 2019 10:09:48 AM

    The meaning of Aariz is in urdu Airaaz karnay wala meaning , some one who wants to stay away from buraiyan(evilness)

  52. on Saturday 9th of May 2020 05:01:27 AM

    My son name also Aariz
    He born was March 10 2020
    It is suitable or not for him
    Please suggest me

  53. on Tuesday 4th of August 2020 03:31:44 AM

    Please don’t keep the name Aariz. It’s meaning is Allahs torment. Check surah Al-Ahkqaf 46:24.

  54. on Thursday 3rd of September 2020 06:54:46 PM

    Please tell me the exact qurani meaning of ‘Aariz’ name

  55. on Friday 4th of September 2020 04:08:44 PM

    My child was born on 31st August 2020 and it’s a boy please suggest good name….thanknu

  56. on Sunday 25th of October 2020 06:31:22 AM

    Some are confusing the name Aariz (Ain, alif, ra, Dha) with Areez ( Alif, ra, ya, za). The meaning of the word Aariz is as mentioned above. In Google search you find many writing Areez as Aariz which is incorrect.

  57. on Monday 23rd of November 2020 05:42:38 AM

    My son born in 10 October 2020 mothers name is shaheen plz suggest name

  58. on Tuesday 16th of February 2021 06:25:40 PM

    My child is born on rajjab ka chand at 14/2 2021 time 8.20 pm so hit suitable for this time for this name aariz

  59. on Friday 19th of February 2021 10:42:08 AM

    My 2nd son born on 04 February 2021at 7.45 PM. Is the name Aariz suitable for him?

  60. on Friday 29th of October 2021 04:33:09 AM

    Salaam my son is born 12octubr 2021 so plz suggest a beautiful name or kindly tel muhamad haziq or muhamad aariz mn sy konsa best h

  61. on Thursday 10th of November 2022 05:19:36 AM

    I have given my kids name Ariz, is it right or harmful name for his life?though he is too much stubborn & angry.

  62. on Thursday 15th of June 2023 12:37:24 PM

    My son’s name is Aariz Ali and the meaning is RESPECTABLE MAN or LEADER OF A NATION”

  63. on Thursday 14th of November 2024 01:53:15 PM

    Kindly confirm the exact meaning of Aariz. Is it a good arabic name.

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