All information on our website is based on our own original research in Arabic, Persian and English-language scholarly references. We never copy information from other websites.

Welcome to QuranicNames, the most authentic Islamic baby name resource.

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About QuranicNames

QuranicNames started as a baby name resouce to contain only baby names found in or derived from the Quran. As our resource and audience grew, we added new sections in answer to the various requests we received from our readers. Everything on QuranicNames comes from original research, we never copy from other sites. Currently we offer baby names from the Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Urdu and Western languages, among others.

While QuranicNames is primarily aimed at devout Muslims seeking the best names for their children, you do not have to be Muslim to benefit from it, as most of the names have meanings that are liked in all cultures. According to Islam, all names coming from all languages and cultures are acceptable as long as they have a good meaning (one that does not go against Islam's teachings). All names on our site have been verified to follow this rule.

Direct Quranic Names

"Direct" Quranic names are words that are plainly mentioned in the Quran, such as Maryam and Musa. We reviewed a list of all of the words used in the Quran and chose the ones that can be used as baby names. For the list see the Direct Quranic Baby Names page.

All Quranic Names

To expand the selection of names on our site, we have created the "indirect Quranic name" category, which includes Arabic names that are derived from linguistic roots that are used in the Quran. For example, while Muhammad is mentioned in th Quran, Hamda is not. But since they both share the same root, we consider Hamda an "indirect Quranic name". This allows parents to choose names that, even though not plainly mentioned in the Quran, their meanings and linguistic origins can be found in it.

Non-Quranic Names

In Islam all baby names are acceptable, from all languages, as long as the meaning of the name is not opposed to the teachings of Islam. For this reason we have created our non-Quranic names section to include names that are not found in the Quran but that are acceptable for Muslim babies.

These names can be from Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Latin, or any other language. Non-Quranic does not mean non-Islamic. Examples of some common Islamic non-Quranic names are Uthman, Hamza, Fatima, Zainab and Khadija. Non-Quranic names include Western names, such as Serena, Lorena and Elizabeth.

All Baby Names

Our All Baby Names page brings together the names from all of our different categories, which include direct Quranic, indirect Quranic and non-Quranic names. Check out this page to see all new baby names that we add daily to our site.

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