Short meaning of Zahran | Beautiful and Radiant See below for detailed meaning |
How to pronounce Zahran | Zoom + rUn + Hot + pRay + mAN Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable. |
Arabic Spelling (How to write Zahran in Arabic) | زهران |
Quranic Nature (Learn more...) | Indirectly Mentioned |
Alternate spellings of Zahran | Zahraan Zehran Zehraan Zehrane Zehran Zehraane Zehraane Zehraan Zahrane Zahran Zahraane Zahraane Zuhran Zohraan All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling. |
Quranic Root (Learn more...) | Z-H-R All Quranic baby names derived from Z-H-R: |
Meaning of Zahran
Zahran is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means radiant, glowing, and blossoming. It is derived from the Z-H26-R (flower, splendor) root which is used in a number of places
And never turn thine, eyes [with longing] towards whatever splendor of this world’s life We may have allowed so many others to enjoy in order that We might test them thereby: for the sustenance which thy Lord provides [for thee] is better and more enduring. (Quran 20:131)
Reader Comments:
on Monday 24th of August 2015 09:12:48 AM
That is so beautiful name and I selected this name for my bony boy
on Sunday 6th of September 2015 05:12:00 AM
this is my son’s name. We love this name for him..unique.. and classy…
on Sunday 8th of November 2015 08:50:24 PM
“Zahra” (flower) is found in this passage, not “Zahran”. It’s a stretch to claim the Arabic word “Zahran” is indirectly Quranic just because it’s somehow related to a word (“Zahra” – flower) which by coincidence is somewhere found in the Quran. By that logic, every word in the Arabic language could be claimed to be indirectly Quranic.
on Wednesday 4th of May 2016 02:55:38 PM
There is no meaning of zaran.but why?it is an islamic name
on Saturday 7th of October 2017 05:31:49 PM
on Saturday 14th of July 2018 06:18:57 PM
my sister got this name from a simple google search. she doesn’t know what it means.
on Sunday 5th of August 2018 02:23:33 PM
I m blessed with a baby boy and willing to name him Zahran Zuhair. Does this name bring any meaning? pls give me suggestion.
on Sunday 13th of January 2019 01:56:24 AM
It’s a beautiful name for a baby boy.
on Thursday 12th of September 2019 03:02:25 PM
Plz give comments that the Correct spelling of zahran or zahraan.
on Thursday 16th of January 2020 09:55:34 PM
This is a very unique and beautiful name, it has a beautiful meaning as well, radiant, blooming, beauty similar to the feminine name, Zahra.